Monday, March 1, 2010

The Best Wrinkle Fighting Foods

More people are concerned about their diet these days. They want to be healthier and look younger. And eating properly definitely helps boosting body’s energy level and preventing wrinkles. Vegetables are great source of antioxidants and vitamins. Well, which vegetables are the best wrinkle fightings foods?

Green leafy vegetables – These vegetables such as spinach, collard greens, kale, romaine lettuce are good because it contains lutein that boost antioxidant level and do not cause the digestive problems. You should eat about 10mg of them every day.

Red and orange vegetables – Tomatoes contain lycopene that also reduces the risk of developing cancer. Red peppers have Vitamin A and Vitamin E that moisturize the skin. Beets are another begetable that can help prevent wrinkles as they contains fibers, Vitamin C and Iron. Carrots are the excellent source of pro-Vitamin A and great wrinkle fighting foods.

Beans – Another great food because they are rich in antioxidants. They help replace deteriorated collagen of the skin.


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